Thursday, 31 October 2013

Cecilia dan malaikat Ariel.

Cecilia sedang sakit parah, hingga nyaris tidak bisa bangun dari tempat tidur. Saat penyakitnya semakin bertambah parah, hal yang aneh terjadi, datang malaikat yang menemaninya. Ariel sang malaikat membuat perjanjian dengan Cecilia untuk saling bertukar cerita mengenai surga dan bumi. Ariel sangat ingin mengetahui rasanya menjadi manusia yang terbuat dari darah dan daging. Sedangkan Cecilia terkejut mengetahui bahwa malaikat tidak bisa merasakan apa yang manusia rasakan, sakit karena terbentur, rasa manis saat memakan kue atau merasa kelelahan.

Joestein Gaarder adalah penulis favorit saya, saya mengenal Joestein Gaarder melalui novel Dunia Sophie. Jika buku yang pertama saya baca menurut saya sangat bagus, saya akan mencari buku-buku lain yang ditulis oleh penulis tersebut. Saya menemukan buku ini ditumpukan buku diskon Gramedia, dengan harga yang sangat murah hanya sepuluh ribu rupiah, saya membelinya tanpa pikir panjang. Saya tau, bukunya pasti bagus, dan saya tidak salah.

Yang saya sukai dari Joestein Gaarder adalah, bagaimana dia membuka mata saya bahwa dunia adalah sekeping keajaiban Tuhan. Saat membaca buku ini, saya merasa ditarik untuk memikirkan kembali hal-hal yang saya anggap biasa karena sudah terbiasa. Seperti bernafas, jantung yang berdetak dan darah yang mengalir adalah keajaiban Tuhan dan membuat saya bersyukur bahwa saya adalah mahluk yang merasa. Joestein Gaarder selalu memaksa pembacanya untuk memikirkan hal-hal luar biasa yang sudah dianggap biasa karena adanya rutinitas sehari-hari. Buku ini juga membuat saya merasa sama dengan manusia lainnya, melihat hal-hal ilahiah secara samar-samar, karena terbatasnya kemampuan kita.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013


Androginy derives from the greek words andros means male and gyne means female.It is the combination between male and female character. It is the sexual ambiguity. Have you ever seen female in male style character or the opposite? This is the example

Boy George

Agyness Deyn

And here I am with my androginy style =D

Thank you to my boyfriend who help me took the photo. He said that I look like a pickpocket. Am I?

Monday, 14 October 2013

Some people was lucky, they know what they want to do early in life.

Im not that lucky, to be honest I still not sure what I want to do in my life. Back to my early life, everything have been chosen for me and when I have to choose something, I ask  people what supposed I have to choose, I seldom listen to my self simply because I am afraid making the wrong decision.

When I was in high school, it confused me to choose between science and social class. I took the science class simply because someone asked me and the reason was if I took the science class I would more have chance to choose the major in the university and which means it stupid. I mean what kind of reason is that? You should take the class simply because you have interest in it, not because you would have more choices to take the major in the university.

But I was scare and confused so I choose the science class...and I gave up. I only could stand for two weeks and I moved to social class. I thought that was one of the best decision I ever made. That kind of story always turn over and over again in my life, afraid to choose, I dont really know what I want. It happened when I have to choose university, when I have to choose my major. Oh is so full of choices and I am afraid to choose.

I think it just wasting my time, so I made this blog. To focus into things that I love, to keep on the track. I think thats life is all about, doing what you interested in, not wasting your life in something you didnt like. Avoid people expectation that you tought it's your too. This blog is a journal of my life and a reminder to listen to my heart.