Thursday, 28 November 2013


Membaca buku Cinta karya Toni Morrison, seperti mengupas bawang. Lembaran demi lembaranya membawa kita pada cerita yang tidak terduga. Awalnya saya tidak mengerti dengan berbagai tokoh yang disebutkan diawal cerita, namun dalam bab demi bab setiap tokoh muncul dengan cerita hidupnya masing-masing yang saling berhubungan.
Bill Cosey pemilik resor mewah, dengan wanita-wanita disekelilingnya. Wanita - wanita tersebut mempunyai cerita masing-masing tentang Bill Cosey, pernah saling menyayangi hingga saling membenci satu sama lain. Hingga jauh setelah kematiannya, Bill Cosey meninggalkan kesan disetiap orang, ada yang membencinya, ada yang memujanya. Seperti di kehidupan nyata, selalu ada berbagai sudut pandang.
Ini pertama kalinya saya membaca buku Toni Morrison, dan rasanya tidak mengherankan jika beliau pernah memenangkan Nobel dibidang sastra. Cant wait to read another book by her.

Reading "Love" by Toni Morrison is just like peeling the onion. Layer by layer bring us to unpredictable stories. In the beginning i dont fully understand about various characters that being told in the early chapter, but then in the next chapter every characters come with their own story which is connected.
Bill Cosey is the owner of luxury resort, surrounding by women. This women have their own stories about Bill Cosey, they have care for each other until they hate for each other. Long after his death, Bill Cosey left an impression on each person, some of them hate him, some of them adore him. Just like in real life there is always different point of view. 
This is the first time I read Toni Morrison's book and it is not surprising that she won the Nobel literature. Cant wait to read another book by her.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

3 DAYS photoshoots.

Sampai saat ini, inilah pemotretan terlama yang pernah saya 3 hari pemotretan dan tempatnya di Jakarta, jadi kebayang bagaimana persiapannya. Biasanya waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk persiapan pemotretan 1 minggu, dan ini well....3 hari saja hehehe. Untung konsepnya studio jadi bisa lebih bebas menyiapkan propertynya. Total model semua ada 5 tapi dibagi dalam 3 hari jadi hari pertama dan kedua motret 2 model dan hari ketiga motret 3 model. So here it is behind the scene.

So far, this is the longest photo session i ever done. It's 3 days photo session and take place in Jakarta (about 3 hours from the city that i live in), so you can imagine how the preparation. it usually take 1 week for me and the team to make the photo session preparation and now we only have 3 days. Lucky us photo session took place in a studio so it more easy to us to set the property. There is 5 models in this photo session and divided in 3 days, so in day one and two we shoot two models and in the last day we shoot 3 models. So here it is behind the scene.

yahhh baju baju dan baju heheheh...thanks God pemotretannya berjalan lancar dan masih banyak pemotretan lain menunggu ditahun depan. =D

well you can see clothes, clothes and clothes LOL, Thanks God the photo session running smoothly and there is a lot of photo sessions waiting next year =D.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

BSBH 2013

Kalau tinggal di Bandung, dan suka berbelanja di Yogya atau Griya, pasti tau kalau sekarang lagi ada program Bulan Si Buah Hati, program yang berlangsung dari tanggal 1 november sampai 1 desember 2013 ini merupakan acara yang ditujukan bagi keluarga yang memiliki  buah hati. Banyak diskon produk-produk kebutuhan bayi dan anak, juga banyak kegiatan serunya.

Tema kali ini Selami duniaku...mengambil alam bawah laut sebagai ide utama, makanya di toko terutama area anak akan terdapat banyak ikan-ikan dan hewan laut =D. Design utama untuk ikon-ikon BSBH adalah hasil dari kreasi Pa Toni yang dibantu juga oleh Fissy teman saya. Sedangkan untuk konsep visualisasi di area fashion dikerjakan oleh saya. Selanjutnya konsep utama dikembangkan oleh masing-masing cabang.

Untuk mengadakan suatu program seperti ini, biasanya pengerjaanya dilakukan beberapa bulan sebelum waktu yang ditentukan.


Photographer Agus Hanjoyo


Design by Toni Suhendra


Yogya Kepatihan, Photo by Bella
Yogya kepatihan
Yogya Ciamis

Happy shopping everyone =*

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

a reminder

I still have not found what i am looking for and it's ok.

.....sepanjang menyangkut kelinci putih, barangkali lebih baik kita membandingkannya dengan seluruh alam raya. Kita yang hidup disini adalah serangga-serangga mikroskopis yang hidup disela-sela bulu kelinci. Namun para filosof selalu berusaha untuk memanjat helaian-helaian lembut dari bulu binatang itu untuk dapat menatap langsung ke mata si tukang sulap.

Meskipun pertanyaan-pertanyaan filosofis itu menggangu benak kita semua, tidak semua kita menjadi filosof. Karena berbagai alasan, kebanyakan orang begitu disibukan dengan permasalahan sehari-hari sehingga keheranan mereka terhadap dunia tersuruk kebelakang. (Mereka merayap jauh kedalam bulu-bulu kelinci, meringkuk dengan nyaman, dan tinggal di sana sepanjang hidup mereka.).......

                                                                                                          -Dunia Sophie / Josten Gaarder-

Friday, 1 November 2013

Veronica decided to die

Paulo Coelho wrote about a life of an ordinary girl who feels so bored to live. When there's nothing you're looking for in this life, you  feel happy nor sad and it's so empty . You dont  know what is the meaning of your life, when none understand you,  maybe you are like Veronika. So in an ordinary day she decided to suicide. She drinks a lot of sleeping pills and waiting. While she waiting she's thinking back all of her life, she was thinking was it the right decision. Doing suicide.

When she wake up and get conscious she's in the mental hospital. She is being told that the doctor can't help her due to the sleeping pills she already swallow. So it is about the time to her last day. While she's waiting to the death, she's thinking back all of her life and meet with some of her new friends, they make some group discussion as a therapy.

They are talking about life, about what is normal and what is not. She started to thinking back about her life, she listen to her heart and thinking what she really want to do in her life. When she have the reason to live her life, when she finally find what she wanted to do in her life, its too late because she's going to die soon. or was it not?

Its funny how Paulo Coelho shows us about normality. What is normal anyway? it is just a matter of majority.
Everybody have their own uniqueness but a lot of them resist that to become "Normal".