Membaca buku Cinta karya Toni Morrison, seperti mengupas bawang. Lembaran demi lembaranya membawa kita pada cerita yang tidak terduga. Awalnya saya tidak mengerti dengan berbagai tokoh yang disebutkan diawal cerita, namun dalam bab demi bab setiap tokoh muncul dengan cerita hidupnya masing-masing yang saling berhubungan.
Bill Cosey pemilik resor mewah, dengan wanita-wanita disekelilingnya. Wanita - wanita tersebut mempunyai cerita masing-masing tentang Bill Cosey, pernah saling menyayangi hingga saling membenci satu sama lain. Hingga jauh setelah kematiannya, Bill Cosey meninggalkan kesan disetiap orang, ada yang membencinya, ada yang memujanya. Seperti di kehidupan nyata, selalu ada berbagai sudut pandang.
Ini pertama kalinya saya membaca buku Toni Morrison, dan rasanya tidak mengherankan jika beliau pernah memenangkan Nobel dibidang sastra. Cant wait to read another book by her.
Reading "Love" by Toni Morrison is just like peeling the onion. Layer by layer bring us to unpredictable stories. In the beginning i dont fully understand about various characters that being told in the early chapter, but then in the next chapter every characters come with their own story which is connected.
Bill Cosey is the owner of luxury resort, surrounding by women. This women have their own stories about Bill Cosey, they have care for each other until they hate for each other. Long after his death, Bill Cosey left an impression on each person, some of them hate him, some of them adore him. Just like in real life there is always different point of view.
This is the first time I read Toni Morrison's book and it is not surprising that she won the Nobel literature. Cant wait to read another book by her.