Tuesday 26 November 2013

3 DAYS photoshoots.

Sampai saat ini, inilah pemotretan terlama yang pernah saya jalanin...total 3 hari pemotretan dan tempatnya di Jakarta, jadi kebayang bagaimana persiapannya. Biasanya waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk persiapan pemotretan 1 minggu, dan ini well....3 hari saja hehehe. Untung konsepnya studio jadi bisa lebih bebas menyiapkan propertynya. Total model semua ada 5 tapi dibagi dalam 3 hari jadi hari pertama dan kedua motret 2 model dan hari ketiga motret 3 model. So here it is behind the scene.

So far, this is the longest photo session i ever done. It's 3 days photo session and take place in Jakarta (about 3 hours from the city that i live in), so you can imagine how the preparation. it usually take 1 week for me and the team to make the photo session preparation and now we only have 3 days. Lucky us photo session took place in a studio so it more easy to us to set the property. There is 5 models in this photo session and divided in 3 days, so in day one and two we shoot two models and in the last day we shoot 3 models. So here it is behind the scene.

yahhh baju baju dan baju heheheh...thanks God pemotretannya berjalan lancar dan masih banyak pemotretan lain menunggu ditahun depan. =D

well you can see clothes, clothes and clothes LOL, Thanks God the photo session running smoothly and there is a lot of photo sessions waiting next year =D.

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